Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pre- School Activities

Before I am starting to visit the University of Melbourne for enrolment and orientation, I will blog about my first experience with mass in this place. I attended the 10am mass instead of the 11am mass, as my dad planned to travel to more places after mass.

Well, the mass in melbourne is just like any other masses. I guess mass is all the same. It's a cycle of Stand-sit-kneel-sequence, except that it follows the old school of Catholic practices. But I did manage to take a peek at the St Francis Choir during the 11am mass. They have about 20 strong. Attending the 11am mass here reminds me of the mass in the 16th century. THe congregation actually sits down during Kyrie and Gloria to watch the choir perform the movements of the mass they are singing. Note: when I say movements of the mass, I mean the classical mass with 5 movements: Kyrie, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Credo, THe Lord's Prayer (I forgot the Latin name) and Agnus Dei. So if you are a person who loves to watch a chorale performance or a choir concert and loves attending mass as well or you are looking to do a performance or concert in any mass in Singapore, you are indeed killing more than 2 birds. What's more, you dont have to pay to watch the 'concert'. I really admire the people before the Vatican I. I will attend the full 11am mass in the future.

After 10am mass, we went to the Melbourne Central Station shopping centre for some shopping. After which, my mum and I proceed to Victoria Market again (the 4th time in 4 days) to see the Sunday atmosphere on Sunday afternoon while my dad went to sight see on his own.

Looking forward to school tomorrow!

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