Saturday, September 13, 2008


are a chore. Really troublesome with those referencing and stuffs. How I wish I can do the style of junior college, no referencing and stuffs, but then well, I am in University now.

For the cost of 3 essays, I have made some sacrifices. Skipped COSDU yesterday, skipped choir practice last Sunday...

Nearly being confronted by this idiotic Aussie guy. Thanks to his MP3. I was on the tram, waiting to alight at Colins Street to go for mass at St Patrick's Cathderal and Minor Basilica. He is hogging the whole passage way of the tram with his headphone on his ears. I didnt know he is planning to alight as well. I asked to be excused, softly at first, but obviously, this guy with his dumb headphone on his ears couldnt hear me, so probably ignored or didnt respond. I raised my volume a little, this time there is some response from him, though his attitude really pisses me off.

When we got down the tram, this shitass guy went to confront me saying that he can hear, got upset by the raised volume. Come on! You shitass aussie, you didnt respond to my first excuse me and how can I be so sure that you heard me... Well, I just apologised and walked off. Didnt want to get shot or beaten up, especially when people gets wild on Fridays and Saturday Evenings. I have witnessed many fights last week. One of those was just last Saturday, when I witness 2 incidents, firstly, 2 caucasian f***ing one another in the middle of the road, but thankfully there is a mediator. Moments later, I heard a gun shot, and apparently, Aaron told me that someone got shot in Chinatown, which is just 2 streets away from where I was. Ah well, how I wished I am in Singapore now... haha...

But in general, Aussies are nice people with a few exception, just like in every country, there would be some shitass. But ah well, that is just one off incident.

On a side note, met 2 friends, a guy and a girl from cosdu in St Patrick's Cathedral. Why do people form relationships so fast? Maybe that's why I couldnt fit into any groups. The 'older' members have formed their own cliques and the newer members (excluding me) have successfully found their cliques and partners. To join the cliques, I have to conform to them to fit into the group. (Sorry, I am doing a psychology essay on Conformity). So that's why I often feel left out. But it's okay, it has always been a case for me. As what Frankie's MSN nick says, "I am destined to be alone", but he is refering to himself la...

Ah well, looking forward to the performance at Geelong later...

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