Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What does this tell you?

And so, had a pretty short psychology tutorials, which I am going to spend this extra time blogging about the result of my pscyhology essay which I just got back.

Before releasing the result here (as usual, many teachers don't release the result until they say a few words to get us excited), I am rather pleased with my psychology essay marks, considering that I have just put in last minute effort in it (ok, not as last minute as some, I didnt just rush it before deadline like some people. but i did spent the last 3 days before the deadline to do my research and typing it out).

Here is the result:
Psychology essay: H2B
Music Essay: H3

Seriously, after getting back my psychology essay results, I feel I deserved better for my music essay, because I spent the 1 week or more researching and planning out the essay,language wise, my music essay is better expressed than my psychology essay, (as proven in my essay, little comment made about my grammar and expression in music compared to psychology). Content wise, the marker commented that I provided a substantial survey for my music essay, where there isnt any much comment on the psychology essay. The only difference is that I missed out on the reference page for the music essay, which I believed caused the downfall of my marks. Why can't they just standardise the referencing styles across all faculties?

So some lessons learnt here:
1) Don't bother putting your heart and soul doing an essay. It's not worth the results you get, as sweat and blood in essay cruelly does not equate to good marks.
2) The higher your expectation, the higher your disappointments. This applies to some people VERY well, and for this instance, me.
3) Referencing is the tool in which markers can easily fail you or drop your marks a band down.

Now I just have to study hard for my final music history exam to make up for the most grieved essay result I got, and show I am wrongly marked!

Feeling: Very determined!

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